Zadania administracji rzadowej
Zadania administracji rzadowej


The detail program of the debate is available below Can power be practised without practising discrimination? What are legal and linguistic mechanisms that support or, on the contrary, fight discrimination? Is it possible to build up an equal and non-discriminating society? The discussed questions included, but were not limited to, the following: The event was conceived as multidisciplinary in that it took various methodological perspectives on the concepts in question through philosophical, legal and discourse analysis. Th aim of the panel discussion was to put the concepts of (in)equality and (non)discrimination into the different analytical perspectives and discuss critically how discrimination is maintained in various social practices, including law, politics and the media. Szczerba-Zawada spread the results of the research conducted under the JM MOdule EUIncSo with respect to the stereotypes and their influence on the gender equality and gender inclusion through the prism of the case law of the Court of Justuce of the European Union. Aleksandra Szczerba-Zawada took part in the panel discussion "(In)Equality and (Non)Discrimination: Legal, Linguistic and Sociological (Philosophical?) Perspectives" co-organized by the Faculty of Administration and National Security at the Univeristy of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy). Facebook, Twitter).Ĭontact: September 17th 2018 dr. We kindly ask you to forward this invitation to your Colleagues and anyone interested in the migration and integration issues in Europe, and, if possible, to publish this invitation on your institution's website and social media (e.g. This conference is organized in the framework of the project EUMIGRO – “Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary International Migration – an Interdisciplinary Approach”, conducted at SGH Warsaw School of Economics in the years 2016–2019 and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


The event is free of charge and will be held in English. Rinus Penninx, followed by five expert panels with the participation of representatives of domestic and foreign universities, public institutions as well as international and non-governmental organizations.


We are proud to inform you that t he European Commission Representation in Poland has granted its Honorary Patronage to the event.ĭetailed program of the 3rd EUMIGRO Conference and the registration form are available here: ĭuring the Conference there will be two keynote speeches of special guests – prof. Niepodległości 128, Building C, Auditorium I. Jean Monnet Module EUIncSo, the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, the Department of Political Studies of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland (KAS), the Research Committee 46 – Migration and Citizenship of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Partners have the honor to invite you to the 3 rd EUMIGRO Conference “Migration and integration in the European Union – facts, figures, challenges and policy responses” which will be held on at SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Poland, Warsaw, Al. W artykule autorzy dokonują analizy stanu istniejącego, zadań administracji rządowej i samorządowej związanych z koniecznością modernizacji katastru oraz podają zakres koniecznych do przeprowadzenie reform w skali kraju oraz w skali lokalnej.3rd EUMIGRO Conference “Migration and integration in the European Union – facts, figures, challenges and policy responses” W chwili obecnej większość rozporządzeń jest już opracowana, część jest jeszcze konsultowana z organizacjami zawodowymi geodetów. Ustawa to wprowadziła zasadnicze zmiany do obowiązującej ustawy prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne, i w konsekwencji powstała konieczność opracowania nowych rozporządzeń wykonawczych. o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej dokonująca transpozycji dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady nr 2007/3/WE ustanawiającej infrastrukturę informacji przestrzennej w Europie. weszła w życie ustawa a dnia 4 marca 2012 r. The authors of the paper present the analysis of the existing conditions of the cadastre, the task of governmental and public government administration, related to demands concerning the cadastral reforms, following the act on the spatial information infrastructure and they discuss possibilities to perform such reforms at the local and national scales. the Law of Geodesy and Cartography and, as the consequence, the demand to develop various administrative decrees occurred. This act introduced basic changes to the binding Act, i.e. On the act dated Maon the spatial information infrastructure was published which transposes the European Parliament and the European Council Directive No 2007/2/WE dated Maestablished the spatial information infrastructure (INSPIRE) in the European Community.

Zadania administracji rzadowej